Tuesday, March 05, 2013

weekend recap

We had such a wonderful weekend this past weekend.  We started off our Friday Night with Parent's Night Out.  Matt and I normally go on a date for PNO, but this our ABF had a kid-free game night at The Gooding's house!  We had a blast with our ABF.  
We played a game called Mexican Scramble.  It was so fun!! It was kind of a cross between Spades, Hearts, & Bunco.  You play the game in partners, but it's kind of an individual game.  Just a little confusing, huh?  It was a bit confusing, but it was so fun.  Our brains were definitely hurting when we were finished because the rules are constantly changing in this game.  
 {The Hutchisons & The Goodings & Our Scorekeeper, Anna}
 {The Cooks & The Howards}
 {Us & The Hanks}
 {The Ogles & The Kennedys}
 Sadly Matt and I didn't win.  Even though we didn't win, it was so nice to drop all of our babies off at the church and enjoy some uninterrupted time with our friends.  And speaking of friends, great mind think alike, because Carissa and I were twinkies in our chambray shirts.  
We didn't get home from our game night until 10:30pm so Pearson stayed up way past his bedtime.  We were hoping that he would sleep in really late but he woke up around 8am.  We had lots of errands to run so we got out shortly after breakfast.  We stopped by to see P's cousin's and pick up our Girl Scout Cookies from our favorite little Girl Scout, Ellie!! We bought 5 boxes of cookies and we may or may not have devoured 2 of those boxes already!!
 After lots of errands and some shopping we met Grammy & Grandaddy for some lunch at Rudy's.
We only live an hour away from them, but we don't get to see them near as much as we would like too.  I'm so glad we were able to meet up with them for lunch.  Pearson sure loved seeing his Grammy & Grandaddy.  Grammy showed him how to put his applesauce lid on the straw and he had a ball playing a little balancing game.  
 After a late night on Friday and a long morning on Saturday, he crashed on the way home and slept on me until I transferred him to his crib.  
Sunday night after church we got together with our Small Group for dinner.  I didn't take a single pictures.  I have gotten terrible at taking pictures lately.  I don't ever use my big camera anymore, which is why this entire post is iPhone pictures.  I have got to get it out more because yesterday afternoon when the weather was so pretty I snapped this picture (with my big camera) of Pearson running around in our yard.  I can actually get picture of him moving with my big camera.  
Now if only we could get the weather to warm up and stay warm so we could have some more afternoons playing in the yard or going to the park!!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on taking pictures. Its a pain to lug the big camera around! We enjoyed the weather on sunday as well, at the park!:)
