Monday, April 15, 2013

a relaxing weekend

Ahhhh this weekend was just was just what we needed.  
We had absolutely no plan on Friday or Saturday and I couldn't have been happier about that.
It seems like the last few weekends we have been going and doing all weekend long.
And it looks like the next few weekends are pretty busy for us too, so I'm glad we got to rest a little this weekend!

We started off Friday with a fun little meal. I made Shrimp & Grits.  
It was sooooo good!!
 It was such a beautiful night, so we spent a good hour after dinner playing outside.  I'll just spare you the details of the massive meltdown Pearson had when we had to come back inside.  Not pretty.  
 Goodness......they are so good looking!  How did I get so lucky??
I just love watching my boys together.

 On Saturday Pearson spent the morning watching Daddy mow.  I know Matt can't for the day that Pearson can get out there and help him.  Yard work of the perks of having a boy!!
 We also busted out the water table on Saturday.  My sister in law gave it to us last year during the summer, but it was too hot to even play with it at 8am in the morning.  We tried to play with it again when the weather cooled down in the fall, but he wasn't really that interested.  He must be the perfect age for it now because he played with it on Saturday for almost an hour!! 
Last night, we had one of my favorite MOPS events of the year.  My sweet Titus Mom (mentor mom) hosted a MOPS Date Night.  Their house is beautiful is Ms. Gayle and her husband are so hospitable.
The event planning girls did an amazing job planning this Mexican Fiesta Date Night full of wonderful fellowship, awesome decorations, yummy food and even a fun photo booth!
We absolutely adore our little guy, but it sure was nice to drop him off at the church from 5-8 while we got to eat a nice meal with friends!!
I met Kara last year at this exact same table!! I was so good to sit with her and her husband again this year, especially since they will be moving soon.  :(
We also sat with a sweet couple from our ABF.  Jennie is another SAHM in our ABF so it's been fun to get to be in MOPS with her this year. 
Such a fun night!!  I'll be sad when MOPS is over for the year in month.  I seriously look forward to MOPS Mondays every (other) week!!
And the best part to our weekend was that we just booked a vacation to celebrate our 5 year anniversary!!  Yipee!! I can't wait to have a week away with my hubby!!


  1. That's exactly what I plan on doing this weekend coming up! We have also been super busy! So excited about your vacation, where are you guys going?

  2. Stella has started having meltdowns when it's time to come inside too! Silly kids!!

  3. That MOPS event looks super fun! I am going to miss MOPS when it's done in a few weeks as well.
    the photo booth photos are sooo cute!

  4. You guys look so cute in the photo booth! We are going to do one for a corporate event coming up, and I cannot wait to get goofy with some of my co-workers! :)
