Tuesday, April 23, 2013

advocare cleanse {day 1}

Matt and I started the Advocare 10-Day Cleanse today!!
 {I'll be blogging about all 10 days of our experience for my documentation so that if we ever 
decide to do this again I'll have record of how we did it the first time.}

I have always wanted to do some sort of a cleanse, but I knew if I was going to do it, Matt would have to be on board with me.  He came home from work a few weeks ago and said, "We need to do a cleanse." I couldn't believe my ears. It was his idea so I ran with it.  He got the idea to do a cleanse because a Rangers guy he follows (Jamey Newberg) had just done one.  I looked into the one the Jamey Newberg had done but I hadn't really heard anything about it.  I had heard about the Dr. Oz 3 Day Cleanse and the Advocare Cleanse.  However, one of my friends said the lunch shake was practically inedible and my blog designer tried it but said they tasted like warm applesauce that didn't taste good.  I knew that if we did a cleanse it would have to be one that involved food.  I can't do just shakes or liquids for an extended amount of time.  I like to eat!!!! The Advocare Cleanse seemed like a good fit for us and totally doable.  I have a friend that sells it and I also know quite a few people that use their products, so I felt good about choosing to use Advocare. 
While we will probably lose a few pounds doing this cleanse, this is not the reason we are doing it.  We are doing it to literally cleanse our body of all the toxins its full of.  By eliminating all the waste, we are preparing our bodies for optimal nutrient absorption.  Losing a little weight and kick starting a healthier diet are just benefits of doing this cleanse. 

To prepare for our cleanse, we stalked our fridge with lots of fresh veggies and REAL food!  We are supposed to avoid soda, alcohol, creamy sauces, high calorie salad dressings, sugar, candy, fried food, processed food, white flour and partially hydrogenated oils while doing the cleanse.  Advocare's products are just part of the cleanse.  It doesn't work unless you eat right as well. 
I wouldn't say that we eat terrible, but when it comes to breakfast and lunch we both just usually eat something quick and easy.  And lately, I've even gotten kind of lazy with dinners.  I've been cooking unhealthy casseroles and eating out quite a bit.  These next 10 days I'm really going to have to give myself extra time each evening to prepare and pack our breakfasts and lunches and cook good healthy dinners.  Even though I don't work, I'm packing my lunch like I do so I don't have to think about it during the day.
 Today before breakfast we had a Spark drink.  For breakfast we had a fiber drink and mixed berries and for a Mid-morning snack we had a handful of almonds.

Lunch was Lemon Pepper Chicken Salad & a Cutie. 
 {Mixed Greens, Grape Tomatoes, Avocados, Lemon Pepper Chicken, 
w/ Olive Oil, Lemon Pepper Seasoning & Garlic Salt }
Matt usually has a coke for lunch and I usually have a coke everyday at some point so by late afternoon we both had headaches.  Hopefully our bodies will get used to no caffeine since we won't be having it for 10 days.   Thankfully a mid-afternoon snack made my headache go away. 

 For a mid-afternoon snack Mommy & Daddy had carrots and hummus while this little guy got to enjoy pita chips and hummus.  I tried carrots with him but he won't touch them.  
 For dinner we had whole wheat spaghetti pasta with ground turkey meat sauce (no sugar added) and mixed veggies.  
I could seriously eat a whole plate of these veggies.  I mix broccoli, zucchini, yellow bell peppers, sugar snap peas, and cook with olive oil, garlic salt, and pepper.  I cook them on medium for about 10 minutes covered but stirring often. 
I had hoped to get a workout in today but it just didn't get around to it.  I was busy running errands and doing things around the house while Pearson was at school.

Before I sat down to blog and watch TV with Matt I spent about a hour in the kitchen prepping our breakfast, lunches, and even dinners tomorrow.  We both have a very busy day tomorrow so I had to get it all done.  I'll even be eating my dinner on the go tomorrow.

1 day down.......9 more to go!


  1. What kind of hummus did you buy? I've had a craving for it, but have never had it. All your meals look so yummy minus the almonds. I think this would be hard for me to do if Ryan isn't up to par. He hates anything healthy.

  2. Hats off to you guys for doing this! I am going to be taking all your posts in and hopefully I will be encouraged to do a cleanse also!

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I'm leery of that Spark drink, because it has so much caffeine and also contains sucralose. My sister-in-law was trying to cut out soda, so she replaced it with Spark. She had no idea it had more caffeine than Coke.
