Wednesday, April 17, 2013


On Monday I set out to continue our Bluebonnet Picture tradition.  With it being our state flower and having a beautiful field in our neighborhood, we just have to make it a tradition.  Plus last year's pictures were just so cute, I wanted to get updated pictures of my baby boy!!  

My Dad told me about a new field that was even better than the field in our neighborhood so we had to go check it out!  He was right, it was beautiful!!  Pearson, however didn't think so.
He was terrified of them.  He just scream and screamed until we came to rescue him. 
He would not let go of me or my Mom. 
Since taking bluebonnet pictures were clearly a disaster this year, I just decided our screaming picture was all we were going to get  My Mom suggested that we just try the hill in our neighborhood because it was right by the road and Pearson would be able to see the truck and cars drive by.  I'm so glad we decided to take more pictures because I think we got some pretty cute one.  We didn't get any of him smiling like we did last year, but these just show his little serious personality and his love for anything that moves.  If he's pointing in a picture it's because he sees a car, truck, fire truck, tractor, school bus, big truck, or police car!!!
And because I love a good comparison picture......
 Pearson is even wearing Carson's hand-me down shorts and sitting on the same bucket!
Oh my! Love this crazy kid!!


  1. Where's the other field that you tried? We've never taken bluebonnet pictures, but I think we may give it a try this year...

  2. The one of you kissing him is so funny. It looks like such a typical boy reaction. Love these!

  3. your pictures are so sweet!
    can't wait to see bluebonnets someday :)

  4. You will probably treasure some of those crying pictures someday even more than the smiling ones - they are so funny! It is funny how Olivia felt the same way about the bluebonnets this year. I wonder what they would have been like together?
    You did get some pretty good ones of him on our hill. You forgot to mention motorcycle and jeep!!!

  5. The one of you kissing Pearson and his face all scrunched up is so funny! It's like he's saying, "Mom, kisses are not going to change my mind about taking pictures out here in this field when I would rather be doing something else!"

  6. The one of you kissing Pearson and his face all scrunched up is so funny! It's like he's saying, "Mom, kisses are not going to change my mind about taking pictures out here in this field when I would rather be doing something else!"

  7. Love his face in the one of you trying to give him a smooch! Looks like a typical boy - "oh, Mom!"
