Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Pearson loves to "cuh-wuh" (color).
When I saw these Washable Easy-Grip Crayons at Target, I knew they would be perfect for my little man. It was the perfect little thing to add to his Easter Basket this year!
This former Kindergarten teacher loves how the triangular shape promotes a proper writing grip.
Although Pearson's grip isn't that great in this picture. Ha!!
 We've been learning letters, numbers and shapes so now it's time to learn our colors.  
Purple the only color he knows right now.  However, everything is purple, so technically he just knows the word purple!!
 And since our high chair tray isn't really large enough for a coloring book, we busted out our new "high chair".  I love it and so does he!!
 Remember, this is the chair I talked about painting here.  I got it at Garage Sale for $3!!  I seriously can't wait to paint it. It's going to be so cute!!

Now that Pearson likes to color, I'm really looking forward to doing more crafts, art projects and activities with him!!


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    He is so cute! I can't wait to see the finished product of the chair.

  2. How did he get old enough to color? Seriously... it seems like just yesterday he was born. Same with Landry... I can't believe our boys are growing up this fast.

  3. I think I need those crayons! Nolan loves the plastic "twistables" crayons that I've had for years--but instead of coloring, he likes to organize them, and put them in and out of containers :)


  4. I love those crayons. I also loved that when my daughter used them to draw a beautiful mural on the living room wall, I was able to wipe it off with just a wet paper towel.

  5. We love these crayons too! I got them for Hudson's stocking and at first he just wanted to eat them but now he is loving them and understands how to use them. I love how he says color! So cute!
