Friday, April 12, 2013

terrible two's?

Oh boy, the last few days have been rough with my little man.  I'm thinking that we may be hitting the "Terrible Two's" a few months early.  

I guess I could just look at it as, "My child is advanced and is hitting this milestone early!" Ha!!
He's been more defiant than normal, he's been shaking his head NO at me and even telling me NO, and just overall been a little grumpy pants.   We even had to have our first official time-out in the corner for slapping Mommy after naptime.  Now, don't get me wrong, we've also had some sweet little moments these last few days. It hasn't all been bad.  We've been singing songs together, reading books, coloring, playing outside, going to the park, etc. but the hard moments are the ones that are sticking in my head right now.  And I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed if this is what my days are going to look like for the next year.  Disciplining is no fun, but I know it's the right thing to do. Bad behavior can't be ignored.

Obviously I would be thrilled if this was just his two year molars coming in so I could chalk his behavior up to teething.  Even if it is though, I'm pretty sure the "Terrible Twos" are going to come whether we like it or not. 

So, here we go........

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Being a parent is so much fun, but nobody ever said it would be easy.  

Anyone else in the stage with me?  
If so, we need to stick together and encourage one another.  


  1. I have learned you have to nip that behavior in the bud. Don't think it is OK because everyone says their 2 year old is like that. My favorite quote from a Motherwise bible study I did was spank/punish now and you won't be spanking/punishing your 5 year old. I can already see the effects of it on my 3 year old.

  2. Sorry you've had a rough week. Hope everything turns around soon!

  3. I know how you feel! As the mommy of a just-turned-2-year-old I can completely relate. It is tough work to discipline your child consistently. That verse is a great reminder, though! I think I'll post it on my bathroom mirror :)

  4. Carson didn't have much of a terrible two stage. He's having a terrible fours stage for sure.

  5. Right there with ya as you know. And, of course, trying to figure out the best way to discipline is tricky. For the most part Naomi is sweet, but she is very headstrong and expressive to put it nicely. We've had a pretty good couple of days, but there are some days where the tantrums seem un-ending. She'll be cute and sweet one minute and a tiny, angry dictator the next.

    It's a very formative year - it's the year of establishing boundaries, testing them, learning a ton, trying to be independent, still clinging at times (sometimes even in the same moment), learning to express emotions and desires in a productive manner, etc. It continues on year after year, but this beginning of the journey is a doozy. It's a lot for parents and kids.

  6. Sorry you're having a rough time! "This, too, shall pass" :)

  7. Discipline is just as hard on you as it is him sometimes, but be consistent, it works!!
    We always talk to Bryson about how we obey 'right away, all they way, and with a happy heart' and after he sits in time out, during his 'debriefing', we talk about which one didnt happen.
    Stay strong, momma! :)

  8. Oh how I remember those days with Ting, and I am not looking forward to them with Bug. I remember going to bed feeling like I did nothing but discipline my child all days. But now I have a little girl who gets compliments every where we go about how well behaved she is. It pays off, it is just exhausting.

  9. Yes we are starting to see signs of this in L. He is starting to test boundaries and be a bit defiant despite attempts to tell him not to do certain things. Dad had to put him in "time out" twice the other day... All the while he cried out mommy mommy... Truly heart wrenching, but so necessary. Not to mention how important it is to stand behind your spouses decision to discipline. It's a tough road we are embarking on for sure.

  10. Yess.... it is rough!!
