Wednesday, May 01, 2013

advocare cleanse {day 8}

A few things I've noticed while on the cleanse.....
1. My skin has really cleared up.
2.  I have more energy
3. I don't feel gassy at the end of the day
(TMI, but it's true, I feel so much better)
4. I don't feel the need to snack all the time because
I'm eating filling healthy foods. 

We are back to drinking the fiber drink which means I'm not really hungry for breakfast afterwards.  I munched on some almonds for a morning snack then we stopped at Chick-fil-A for lunch.
{Grilled Chicken Nuggets, Side Salad, & Fat Free Honey Mustard}

While we were at the pool this afternoon we snacked on cuties and a few more almonds.  I have never been one to snack on almonds, but it's my go to snack these days.  I love the crunch!!

For dinner Matt grilled chicken and I made the sides.
{Cilantro Lime Chicken, Pineapple Red Pepper Whole Wheat Rice, & Mixed Veggies}
 We also had a grilled banana with almond butter for dessert.  Can you tell we are obsessed?

8 days down........2 more to go


  1. I need to start clean eating just for my skin!!

  2. It's amazing what flushing those toxins will do for your skin and energy level!!!
