Saturday, May 18, 2013

back to reality

We just got back from our amazing Disney Cruise this afternoon.  
We had such a great time but it is so good to be back home with our little man!!
I can't wait to share all of our pictures.  I have over 500 pictures to sort through.

Pearson also had a good time with both sets of his grandparents while we were away.  Pearson was excited to see us for a few minutes when we got home, but he quickly went back to playing with his cousin since he was over for the day.  His cousin was much more exciting than us! Ha!!  After Grammy & Grandaddy left I think he realized it was back to boring 'ole Mommy & Daddy and the tears (and fits) started flowing.  

{The picture above was actually from a few weeks ago after he left a sleepover at Lolly & Pops, 
but it's pretty much a picture of what this afternoon looked like.} 

I'm going to do my best to get each day of our vacation posted in a timely manner, but I've got lots of catching up to do with my little man this week and I'm going to be spending lots of time whipping him back into shape!!  

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