Friday, June 21, 2013

friday funday

We had a day full of fun in the sun today!
This morning we went of to Ethan's house to play, swim and eat lunch.
His parents are out of town so Grammy & Grandaddy are keeping the kiddos.

I know I say this all of the time, but these boys just love each other.  We walked in the house and within 5 seconds they were both screaming and chasing each other.  They have so much fun together!!
 Ethan has a fun little swing set in his back yard. He was so cute showing Pearson how to do everything!
Love this sweet boy!
Pearson wouldn't climb up to the slide until he saw Ethan do it.  He was all about the slide after that.  
He wanted to do exactly what his big cousin was doing!!
This kids is definitely all boy! He could dig around in the rocks and dirt all day long.  He filled up and then dumped out this truck no less than 10 times. 
 After a fun morning of playing we stopped to have some pizza and watermelon.
 Pearson kept calling it "Na-na-ma-na" and Ethan thought it was soooooo funny!!
And the fun didn't stop after our fun morning with Ethan and Grammy.  We headed over to my friend Jenny's house for another swim with some girls and their babies from our ABF.
We had so much fun swimming with all of our friends.
For some reason Pearson seemed kind of scared of the pool at Ethan's house, but when we got to Jenny's house he was a little dare devil.  He had no fear.  He even jumped off the side a few times.
While we were swimming we had Pearson try to say everyone's name and he actually did pretty good.
He can definitely say Jack the best!
{Courtney & Jack}
Ethan wasn't so sure about the water at first.  Today was his first time to swim so he was hanging on to his Mommy for dear life for a little while.  He finally got used to it and ended up liking it pretty good!
{Ali & Ethan}
 Pearson and Myla had a good time throwing a little ball back and forth.  
{Kristin & Myla}
 When I asked Pearson to say Parker and Michell's name, he said Cracker & Shell!!
{Parker & Michelle}
We hadn't been to the pool since May 31st, so it was good to get back in the water!

Looking forward to lots more fun summer days at the pool.

And the fun isn't even over for today......
We are going to a carnival this evening at my parents church!!!


  1. Looks like yall had a blast, and had a great turnout!! Can't wait til the next swim day and hopefully I can join in the fun :)

  2. After reading this post about your busy Friday, there is no wonder he had his little bib melt down at Chili's!! Totally understandable.
