Tuesday, June 04, 2013

makin' the switch to bloglovin'

I'm sure most of you have heard that Google Reader will no longer be available July 1st.  I have been reading all my blogs through Google Reader for the last 5 years, so when I heard this news I was seriously so sad.   However, I have since made the switch to bloglovin' and I'm loving it.  

If you don't want to lose all of your blog subscriptions on Google Reader, I highly suggest you switch bloglovin' as soon as possible before Google Reader is gone.  It's so nice because you can literally transfer all your blogs straight from Google Reader to bloglovin' with the click of a button!!

I found a great tutorial here explaining how to import your Google Reader into bloglovin'.  This post also has lots of great details about how bloglovin' works.  

And to give you a little incentive to switch over to bloglovin', I will be hosting a fun giveaway tomorrow where you will get an extra entry if you are a follower of my blog on bloglovin'!!

Just click this button below to follow!!

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Thank you!! I've been meaning to research another reader to switch to.

  2. Question: Is Google Reader the same thing as the Blogger Dashboard? I just follow all my blogs on my dashboard and have never technically used the reader (I don't think), but I don't want to find out July 1 that I'm all jacked up.

  3. I really love "Feedly" It's simple to use, kept all my blogs in my original categories, and has an awesome iPhone app to go with it! Just another option to look at! ;)
