Saturday, June 29, 2013

perot museum

This morning we decided to have a family day out!!  We went to the Perot Museum.  
We got there around 10:45 but didn't get to actually go in until 11:45.  I should have done a little research and realized that we could have (and should have) bought our tickets online.  
Thankfully the hour of waiting wasn't too bad.  We walked through the gift shop then explored some of the things outside.
Pearson loved playing with all of the chimes outside. 
Once we got inside, we went straight to the top floor and worked our way down to the bottom floor (which had the Children's Museum).  We knew that if we let him out of the stroller at the beginning we would have a hard time getting him back in for the rest of the museum. 
I had no idea how he would act in the museum, but he did really great! He just sat in his stroller and looked at everything while Matt and I read things and looked at all of the exhibits.  
The last floor before we got to the Children's Museum looked the neatest, but we didn't get to spend much time there.  It was all about the human body and energy and had lots of interactive things to do.  Sadly, we were getting hungry and we could tell Pearson was starting to get ready to get out, so we just spun through it and headed to the Children's Museum.  
As soon as we got to the kid's area he started trying to get out of his stroller and was saying "Pway".  He was ready to go play!!  We didn't get any smiles out of him, but he would have stayed at the water table forever if we would have let him.  He loved it!!
Next up was the little construction play area.  He jumped right in and helped the boys and girls move the little blocks up the ramp.
When we took the dress up clothes off to go to another area, he put them right back on.  He wasn't ready to go!
He picked up some bananas (or as he has been saying at the farmer's market.
 Then we ended our afternoon at the museum picking some flowers.  
 Even though it was crowded and we had to wait a little while to get it, I'm glad we got to do this as a family.  I get to do fun things all week long while I'm home with Pearson, so it's fun to let Matt join in on the fun on the weekends.  

We didn't leave the museum until 1:30 so we were all starving for lunch! We decided to go to the Jake's in Uptown.  This is the Jake's where Matt and I had our second date so it was fun to go back!!
 Only this time we had the cutest little tag-a-long joining us!!
So thankful for my boys and a fun family day together!!!


  1. Pearson is such a blessed little boy that he has parents that do such fun activities with him!

  2. That was a great picture of you and Matt at the end of your post! I've been to the Perot Museum with my niece and nephew, and then we took our Pre-K kids there on a field trip. It's an awesome place to take little ones!! Educational and fun - you can't beat it! Glad yall had a fun family day out yesterday!
