Thursday, June 13, 2013


We checked off our first thing from our summer list this week......VBS!!!
We had VBS Monday through Thursday this week from 9am-12pm.
I was in charge of all of the Pre-K kiddos. We had about 70 kids.  We had one major hiccup on the first morning when our kiosks wouldn't print nametags and security tags, but once they got that fixed it went really smoothly from there.  I think the kids really had a great time!! Sadly, I stayed so busy during the day that I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of the week.  I only snapped a few pictures on my iPhone.  Every morning we picked up the girls I nanny for so we had a full car of crazy kids!!
Toting around 4 kids is definitely much different that toting around just Pearson.  We were like a circus coming in each morning!! Thankfully the older girls are soooooo helpful!! 
Pearson adores Amba (Amber) Kat-Kat (Katelyn) and Essie (Lexi).  He cried every afternoon when we dropped them off.  

After a busy week of VBS, we've got no time to rest.
We've got a busy weekend ahead of us........
Prepping for Pearson's Party tomorrow,
Pearson's Party Saturday morning,
a High School friend's wedding Saturday night,
and Father's Day & Pearson's Birthday on Sunday!!

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