Wednesday, July 10, 2013

10 on 10 {july 2013}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

For the last 6 weeks or so, Matt and I have been getting up at 5:15ish to do the 30 Day Shred.  My gym membership expired on June 1st, so I had to find a way to work out at home.  I'm so glad that I convinced Matt to work out with me.  I love the time we spend together in the mornings working out.

 I was super pooped after this mornings workout.  I ended up going back to sleep until 8:30 when Pearson finally woke up!!  While we ate breakfast I worked on some recruiting for my job at the church.  I just love all the little side jobs God has blessed me with!!  It's so nice to be able to stay at home full time but still be able to bring in some money with little side jobs.  
After breakfast, we took short little walk to go see Lolly.
Pearson was showing Lolly all of the letters and sounds that he knows.  He is such a smart little boy!
We had to pick up a couple things at Wal-Mart and while we were there we found these cool re-useable squeezy pouches!! I thought you could only buy them online, so I was so happy to find them!!
My yummy summer lunch {Crackers, Laughing Cow Cheese & Cranberries, Cucumbers and Cherries}
I always try to get my cleaning done while Pearson is at school on Tuesdays, but I've been so tired with this pregnancy I didn't get it all get done yesterday.  Not time for a nap today, I had cleaning to do. 
After nap time, it was time for our swim lessons.  He had such a good day at lessons today.  Yesterday was a disaster so it was so nice that we didn't have a repeat of that. 
We ended our night with dinner at Lolly & Pops.  This kid was in heaven with Pizza & Pops!!
Happy 10th!!!


  1. Love laughing cow cheese! I bet he was loving pizza for dinner two nights in a row.

  2. I love the way he's looking at your dad. I think Poppy is Landry's favorite person, so this picture is like looking one year down the road for me.

  3. Love the 10 on 10 pics. Glad to see you are keeping my son in shape!

  4. Wow, I couldn't get up at 5:15 to work out! You go girl!:) That lunch looked really yummy, I might have to steal the idea!:)

  5. I think grandpas become the favorite of their grandsons. My nephew adores Granddaddy (my dad). It's so sweet to see Pearson's face when your dad is around :) Way to go waking up at 5:15 to work out!

  6. I love all of your fun updates. I give you so much credit for getting up early girl and getting in a work out. In the beginning and even now I was soo tired! I also love your relationship with your family and love that Pearson get to see them so often. what a fun relationship they have:) Wishing you a great 10 on 10:)

  7. how nice that you have a job at church!
    i really want a small side job.
    also, that reusable pouch looks neat!
