Monday, July 08, 2013

bun in the oven

If you missed our video announcement last week......

Yep! It's true......we've got another bun in the oven!!

So there will definitely be a Bump Ahead!
We found out that we were pregnant on Pearson's 2nd Birthday which also happened to be Father's Day.  Talk about a SUPER special day!!  

I technically wasn't supposed to start until the next morning but I went ahead and took a pregnancy test because I thought it would be so cool to tell Matt that he was going to be a Daddy again on Father's Day!!  I already had a sneaking suspicion that I was pregnant, because I had been so tired the week before, so the positive pregnancy test just confirmed my suspicions!! I took the pregnancy test around 5am and couldn't go back to sleep!!  I was so excited to tell Matt!!

The month before I had asked my Mom to make Pearson a "big bro" shirt.  I wasn't pregnant at the time but I told her that we were trying and when we did get pregnant I wanted to be able to tell Matt with a "big bro" shirt.  

After Pearson woke up and we both wished him a "Happy Birthday" I took him in the kitchen to sign his Father's Day card and put his "big bro" shirt on that had been hiding in the back of his closet.  Matt was so incredibly happy when he saw Pearson's shirt!
With my pregnancy with Pearson, we waited for 2 weeks to tell my parents.  It was absolutely the longest two weeks of my life.  It was so hard not to tell my Mom.  Since we already had plans to eat lunch with my parents, we decided to just go ahead and tell them that day!!

I gave my Dad a regular old Father's Day card.....
......but in the inside was a special little message!!
It actually worked out perfect because his gift hadn't come in yet so I really didn't have anything for him!! My parents were thrilled to know that grandbaby #4 is on the way!! I think my Dad was most excited that he is now beating all of his friends in the grandkid count.  Apparently grandpas keep score of how many grandkids they have!! All of his friends have 3 so he is in the lead with 4 now!!
We wanted to call Matt's parents right away and tell them too, but we thought it would be more fun to wait one more week to tell them.  Matt's Dad already had a surprise birthday party planned for his Mom for the following Sunday.  We knew it would be a perfect way to surprise both of them at Grammy's surprise party.  They were so thrilled to know that their 7th grandbaby is on the way!! Plus both of Matt's sisters and their families were there so it was fun to tell them in person too!!
It's has been a wonderful week having all of our friends and family share in our joy.  Thanks for all of the comments on Facebook & Instagram, e-mails, and texts this week.  It's such a good feeling to know our sweet little babe on the way is already so loved.  

Our first appointment was last Tuesday and everything went great.  On July 23rd (when I am 9 weeks) we will have our first sonogram.  It's definitely still very early in this pregnancy, so we covet your prayers that our baby will continue to grow big and strong and healthy!!

So far I am feeling great!!  I've been really tired though.  I can barely hold my eyes open past 9pm.  I have taken a nap just about everyday since the week before we found out we were pregnant.  I am sooooooooo thankful that Pearson takes 3-4 hour naps these days.  I can take an hour long nap and then still have time to get things done around the house while he is napping.  I haven't had any morning sickness or really any nausea for that matter.  When I wake up in the morning I begin to feel a little sick if I don't eat or drink something quick enough.  I'm definitely hoping I can get through this pregnancy without having to experience morning sickness!!

Thanks again for all of your kind words and congratulations.  

Stay tuned......I'll be starting my "Baby No. #2 Baby Bump Series" next week when I am 8 weeks.  


  1. I love your blog! Congrats on baby #2! Brings back sweet memories...we found out about our #2 on Father's Day as well!

  2. Congrats! Enjoy your naps - you deserve them!

  3. I'm so excited to read along with this pregnancy! Your so great at documenting! Happy to hear that you haven't been sick!! Congrats again!

  4. I missed the announcement, congrats!!

  5. oh yay!!
    congratulations Katy, Matt, and Pearson!
    what exciting news :)
    I just watched the video--how adorable!

  6. Ahhh!!!!! Congrats!!!! I missed the video also!!!! SO fun!!!! Yay!!!!

  7. Yay! I love reading friends' baby bump updates! Btw...your due date is right around my birthday (2/26). February babies are the best (though pretty soon I'll be saying that about September babies)!

  8. So excited for y'all! So glad you're feeling well, what a blessing! Maybe that means it'll be another boy ;)
