Friday, July 05, 2013

happy birthday america!

We've been singing Happy Birthday to America for over a week now.  Singing Happy Birthday is the only way we can brush Pearson's teeth.  Carson has the next birthday in our family so now we are moving on to singing Happy Birthday to him!!

We spent our 4th of July just hanging out at the house for the morning and afternoon then spent the evening with Matt's family.  Pearson always takes a good 3-4 hour nap, but today he decided he didn't want to.  I was so afraid that he would be a pill at Matt's sister's house, but he was great!  We had such a fun evening hanging out with family, swimming, eating the most delicious barbecue, and watching fireworks.   
 We just started putting this little "puddle jumper" life jacket on Pearson and now he really enjoys being in the big pool.  He had a blast swimming with Daddy. 
 Pearson was so busy playing with his cousins that he had no problem staying up until 9:45 for the fireworks.  We just had to drive right down the street from Matt's sister's house to see the fireworks.  We parked in a field, popped our trunk and watched them from our car.  It was perfect.
 Yesterday was Pearson's first time to see fireworks, so I didn't know if he would like them or not.  He loved them.  He sat in Matt's lap almost the entire time.   While watching the fireworks ("pire-work" as he said) he kept saying "Wow" and "Woah".  It was just about the cutest thing ever!!!
 It was waaaaaaayyyyy past his bedtime once the fireworks were over so he crashed on our way home.  
Hope you had a fun day celebrating the 4th!!

I didn't have a memory card in my camera which is why all of my photos are from my phone.  Here are a few pictures of our day that I stole from my father in law.......


  1. Puddle jumpers are the best! Graham isn't quiet heavy enough for one yet( heck, I guess Dylan isn't technically yet either:)) but they are a life saver! Dylan is 100% independent in the pool with it! It's awesome! Glad y'all had a great 4th!

  2. It was a fun 4th! It is so fun watching the grandkids experience things for the first time. Little P was just mesmerized watching those fireworks.

  3. Glad you guys had such a fun day! I just love his tongue sticking out on the side in the pool pics. Too cute!
