Thursday, July 18, 2013

it's been 10 years.....

It's been 10 years since I graduated High School.
On one hand it's kind of hard to believe it's already been 10 years, but on the other hand it feels like it was forever ago when I was in high school.  So much has happened in the last 10 years.  I went to college, my parents moved out of the house I grew up in, I graduated college, started my teaching career, became an aunt, met the man of my dreams, bought a house, got married, made lots of memories together as a married couple, got pregnant, quit teaching, became a Mommy, got pregnant again, and sooooooo much more.
Our 10 year reunion was a few weeks ago.  We had it at Katy Trail Ice House in Dallas.  I graduated with about 300 people but only about 50 showed up to the reunion.  Reunions are kind of weird now that we have Facebook.  I "keep up" with quite a few people from High School on Facebook, so it's not like I've been totally disconnected from people in High School.   It was fun though to see and talk to people that I hadn't seen in literally 10 years though.
 I was most sad that only one of my close friends from high school came.  Matt and I enjoyed spending the evening with Brittany and Preston.
 We only live 30 minutes apart but we don't see each other near enough.
We went to Matt's 10 year reunion two years ago, so he was a good sport about coming to mine.
 Around 10:30 all of the married couples and the couples with kids started leaving.  Apparently after we left things got a little crazy!! Some people were definitely re-living their high school days.  We ended up going to our favorite dessert place, Sweet Mix, with Brittany and Preston.

And just for kicks and giggles, here are some of my High School Senior pictures.....

I thought I was sooooooo cool with my serious look in this picture.
 This was my obligatory "show off my class ring" pictures.  However, the funny thing is that this isn't even my class ring.  We got our class rings during our Junior year and I lost mine the summer before my Senior year.  I had to borrow a friend's for my Senior pictures!!
And I save the best pictures for last.......
Yep, I was wearing capri pant overalls!! What in the world was I thinking??
I thought I was actually kind of stylish in High School, but these overalls are making me re-think that!! 
Did you go to your 10 year High School Reunion??


  1. LOL that last picture got me! I agree though, I look back at some of the things I wore and wonder the same thing! "What was I thinking?"

  2. Oh my! Our reunion is in October! Ill have to remember to post some of my "what what I thinking" pictures as well!!

  3. I think my senior pictures are at my house, but I'll so have to post a "What was I thinking??" because looking back at the clothes that I wore totally fits into that category! I chose not to go to my h.s. reunion (mine was Oct. 2012) because I was kind of in the same boat - I keep up with a lot of h.s. people through Facebook, and my very best friend I talk to on a regular basis and see regularly as well. Glad you had fun!
