Monday, July 01, 2013

pin-spired #6

I'm linking up with MelShay, & Sheaffer, to post an outfit that I created this month!! I was a little lazy this month and only did one outfit.  
Outfit #1: Royal Blue & Lace Overlay
I actually liked this outfit better in the picture than on me, but it still turned out pretty cute.
(Sorry the picture is a little blurry.  I didn't realize it until after we had taken the picture)
Shirt: Garage Sale // Tank: Old Navy // Shorts: Marshalls // Sandals: Target

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  1. Cute outfit, as always! :) I need more lace in my wardrobe.
    my July pin-spired

  2. Fun! Loving the lace overlay! Thanks for always linking up! Love seeing what you put together! xoxo, mel

  3. Cute top!! How do you get so lucky with garage sale finds?!
