Saturday, August 10, 2013

10 on 10 {august 2013}

 While I was on my little blog break I almost forgot to do my 10 on 10 post.  I remember first thing Saturday morning that I needed to take pictures, but I just didn't get them up on the 10th!!

It's Saturday morning tradition to lay in bed and watch Mickey Mouse with our little guy!  The first thing Pearson says every morning is "Daddy work", but on Saturdays and Sundays I get to tell him that "Daddy is Home!!".  He loves it when Daddy is home!!!
 Pearson is obsessed with his new "bye-a-mints".  He would have one with every meal if we let him. 
 We've been experiencing these lovely screaming fits every now and then lately.  We really don't know what started this one.  He is soooooooo TWO years old!!
The boys stayed home and played today while I went to a baby shower luncheon for my friend Jennie.
 On my way home I had to stop by and get some milk.  I always thought people were crazy when they put more than a gallon in their grocery cart, but we are now officially a two gallon a week family.  Pearson drinks a ton of milk and now that we always have it on hand I drink it a whole lot more. There were two gallons that were on Manager's Special because they are going out of date in a week.  We will have both of these gallons gone before then so this was a great deal on milk for us!!
 While Pearson was napping I got to play hair dresser!!
 When Pearson woke up from his nap we headed over to our friend's house for an ABF pool party.
 Pearson loved getting to play with all of his friends, especially his new friend Cooper.....or as he calls him "Cooker". 
After a fun evening with friends it was time for bath & bed.   
What a fun 10th!!


  1. Wow, lots of kids in that pool and it wasn't long ago that y'all were the first to start having kids in your abf!

  2. Loved your 10 on 10 pics, especially Pearson's bath time Mohawk!
