Thursday, August 29, 2013

dallas moms blog

At the end of July I was asked to join the team of writers behind Dallas Moms Blog.  You should totally add them to your Blog Reader so you can see all the fun things they post about.  
I'm really excited about this fun opportunity.  I'll typically post 1-2 times a month.  
It's not a paying job, but the perks are pretty cool!  In a few weeks I get to attend Project Mom.  

It's a 1 day conference in Allen designed to inspire, motivate and renew Moms.  If you are interested in going, check out this post for a special code to get 25% off.  I'd love for you to join me!!

And if you haven't already seen it,  you can check out my first post on Dallas Moms Blog.  


  1. How fun. I am actually a contributor for the Houston Moms Blog that is launching on Tuesday.

  2. Rhett loves Sense-able gym too! Next time y'all go let us know!
