Thursday, August 22, 2013

i promise I'll blog again soon.....

Woah, y'all......

This pregnancy exhaustion is about to do me in. I'm pretty sure I have slept away the entire month of August.  I'm promise when my energy starts to kick back in and I don't require a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and a 9:00 bedtime, I will get my blog back up an running.  

Until then, my posts will be sporadic!! 

Thanks for hanging in there with me though!!


  1. Although I miss your posts the most important thing right now is taking care of your family and growing that sweet baby. And if that is all the energy you can muster up so be it. I am totally fine with that! You definitely have your priorities in order. You rest girl!

  2. I've been missing your posts!! Rest up, though...that's definitely more important :)
