Thursday, October 10, 2013

10 on 10ish {october 2013}

I totally missed 10 on 10 this month, so this month I am just going to post 10 pictures from our everyday life that happend around the 10th.....hence the "10 on 10ish" title!!

 It makes me so happy to see notes like this come home in Pearson's folder. He loves his music class.  He is always coming home singing new songs! 
 For some reason MOPS Mondays always start like this.  He actually loves going, but getting there is always a battle.  This particular morning I think the coat is what really ticked him off.  He did not want to wear it but it was 46 degrees!!!
 A typical "school day lunch" for P-Man.  He usually eats almost all of it. He is such a good eater. 
 Our HUGE four family garage sale that we had at my grandma's house.  All together I think we made a little over $1,000.  I made almost $400 by myself. I was thrilled!!!
This is the crib and matress I got for $50 for Nash's room!! It's so cute!!
 And then I totally lucked out and got this dresser/changing table for $75.
I've been making Trader Joe's Chai Tea Lattes in the mornings that have been cold.  So yummy!!
 This kid loves cucumbers and ranch!!!
Pearson had a tea party at Lolly's house while I went to my new OB.  The next morning he asked me if we could have a "Tea Tea Party"! Ha!!
Pearson and Oliva hanging out in the car while I was picking up my double stroller off of Craigslist.  Pearson kept saying "Wooooowww!" since the sun roof was open. 


  1. Did I already tell you that is the dresser I might get? Though I was at ikea yesterday and I found another one I like too, as long as I can change out the handles;)

  2. I love the new crib and dresser--what good buys!
    that chai tea mix looks amazing!

  3. So glad you were able to get that dresser/changing table. You just amaze me with all the good buys you get!

  4. We have that dresser! Well 2 of them. We loved Hudson's so much we got one for Emma too. We switched the knobs out on Emma's. It is a great dresser!!
