Sunday, October 06, 2013

baby no. 2 {20 weeks}

how far along? 20 weeks
how are you measuring? 3 days ahead according to the sono about a week ahead with the doctoring measuring my belly
size of baby? size of a banana 
heartbeat? 147 bpm (at our 18 week appointment) 
total weight gain/loss? 4 lbs 
maternity clothes? A mixture of regular clothes and maternity clothes.  Dresses and leggings are my go-to because it's just more comfy than squeezing into my regular pants or having to pull up my maternity pants. 
stretch marks? No new ones!
sleep? Most nights I wake up once to go to the bathroom.  I'm having to sleep on my side now full time because it really bothers me to sleep on my back. 
best moment this week? Name our sweet boy, Matt feeling him move, getting my house cleaned, buying a hand-me-down crib and dresser from a friend for $125 and picking out fabric for his nursery.
movement? Yes! For the last few weeks I was only feeling him in the evenings but now I'm feeling him more in the mornings too.  I typically don't feel him move much during the day, but he does kick around during the day sometimes.  His kicks are definitely getting stronger with each day.  On Friday morning Matt even felt one of his little kicks!!
food cravings? I can't get enough of my Honeycrisp Apples
gender predictions? BOY!!!! And his name is Nash Matthew Link
what i miss? My skinny jeans! We had our first boot wearing weather day and I still don't have any maternity skinny jeans to wear with my boots.
what i'm looking forward to? Getting started on his nursery.
how are you feeling? Great......other than a random cramp that I keep getting in my butt. 
comparisons to last pregnancy? Can't really think of anything!!

Here I am 20 weeks with Pearson and 20 weeks with Nash.


  1. I just got a pair of old navy skinny jeans( maternity of course) I like them! Fit well and are stretchy so will grow with me! Did you use that one lady to clean your house? I

  2. I can't believe you're halfway (well over halfway b/c of csection) there!! I love his name too!

  3. You look so darn adorable. My skinny jeans I picked up at Target. I love them so much and it helps with swelling if that becomes and issue. Plus what a cute and must have accessory for the fall:) Enjoying your weekly bump posts!
