Sunday, October 06, 2013

project mom

Last weekend Carissa and I went to Project Mom.  Since it was in Allen, we were able to get away for the day but be back home for dinner with our boys!! We went to three different breakout sessions and they were all so informative: Growing Confident Children, Messy Mommyhood, and Creative Discipline for Every Child and Every Age. 
My favorite “take-away” was from the session taught by Rebecca Carrell titled “Messy Mommyhood”.  Social media makes us all feel like we have to be the perfect Mom or doing what the next Mom is doing but she really encouraged us to know that it’s okay to be a mess.  Messy Moms learn far more from their struggles than from their success.  It was encouraging to be reminded that I don’t have to try to be like any other Mom.  I am the only one that can be my kids Mom and I am exactly what they need!! 

I am already looking forward to next year’s Project Mom.  I can guarantee you that I’ll be there!  It was such a refreshing day to be surrounded by and encouraged by other Moms.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got to go to Project Mom. Is that blue on your tongue in the picture with your tongue stuck out?
    Nice touch! Hee! Hee!
