Sunday, October 20, 2013

putting on the brakes

Knock, anyone there? 

Oh my goodness, we have been so busy around here at The Link Home.  You would think with all of our "busy-ness" I would have lots of fun posts to update you on what we have been doing, but not everything has really been a "blog-able moment".  We've just been busy with lots of random things.  Last week we were only home one evening.  It's was crazy.  

This week we are putting on the brakes and slowing waaaaaaaaaay down.  I'm looking forward to a week with not very many plans.  I can't wait to spend some time at home with my little man during the day and with both of my boys in the evenings this week.  Hopefully I can find some time this week to catch up on a few things we've been up to the last few weeks.

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