Wednesday, October 30, 2013

the pumpkin package

On Monday we met up with my MOPS discussion group to take our little ones to the Owen's Farm Pumpkin Patch.  I'm so sad that this will be there last year to be open.  After Halloween they will be closing down the farm, which mean no more Big Orange Pumpkin Patch next year.  We'll have to find a new one to go to next year.
The whole way over there Pearson kept saying we were going to the "Pumpkin Package".  I just couldn't correct him because it was just too cute, so I decided to call it the "Pumpkin Package" too!!

Our first stop was to feed the goats.  Pearson, Aisley (or as Pearson says, Daisy) and Liam (Yee-Um) held hands over there.  Too cute huh?
Pearson wasn't afraid of the goats at all.  
Not even scared of this big guy that tried to take everyone's cup!!
 If I didn't help Pearson out we would have been at the goats all day.  He was literally feeding them one teeny tiny piece of food at a time!!
 Pearson is obsessed with anything that has wheels so I thought he would be so excited about riding in the tractor and trailer.  He was so serious the whole time though.  I couldn't even crack a smile out of him. 
 He wasn't the only one that was serious though. His buddy Grant was even more serious about the whole ride!
Pearson and all of his sweet friends......."Daisy", "Grynn" & "Yee-Um"!!
 Our final stop of the morning was the maze and then picking out our pumpkin from the "Pumpkin Package".
We would have loved to take one of these big pumpkins home but we had to choose one of the small ones.

It's okay though, they were just his size!!
Pearson left the "Pumpkin Package" one happy boy!! 
I love these special outings that I get to do with Pearson during the day.   
I can't believe it won't be just us for much longer.  This time next year there will be a little 8 month old guy tagging along with us. I'll get to take two little boys to the "Pumpkin Package" next year!!


  1. I just love the wonderful pictures you post. SO fun to see Pearson experiencing these fun outings that his awesome mom makes possible for him! Can't wait to Nash joins us and I will have double the blessings!!

  2. Most of my MOPS group couldn't make it on Monday, so we rescheduled for today, and I had so much fun! It didn't even matter that Audrey is way too little to enjoy it; she and I had fun getting out of the house for a little while, and she did like looking around when I got her out of her stroller! Anyways, I'm sad that it won't be there next year when she's old enough to enjoy it, but glad y'all had fun. I love Pearson's name for it "Pumpkin Package".
