Friday, November 29, 2013

thanksgiving 2013

We switch off which family we spend Thanksgiving with each year.  This year we spend the day with my family.  It was a smaller crowd than normal because my older brother and his family were with his wife's family and one of my uncle's hosted his in laws at their house.  Pearson was the only little one there so he soaked up all the extra attention from my teenage cousins.  
I didn't get a picture of any of our delicious food but trust me, it was all yummy!! We don't set the table all pretty, have our food prepared in a fancy way, or eat on fine china, but my Mom and grandma's cooking totally makes up for it.  It's really the best!!  Plus, I couldn't care less about things being fancy.  The most important part about Thanksgiving to me is spending time with the ones I love.  

After lunch we had a little birthday celebration for my cousin Cole complete with presents, a pinata and ice-cream cake (on top of all the typical Thanksgiving desserts).
While some of the family spent the afternoon in a turkey coma, the rest of us just enjoyed the afternoon hanging out, chatting and watching the Cowboys play football. 
This silly ball provided hours of entertainment for Pearson.  My cousins would bounce him on it and he would roll around and fall.  We kept telling him to "be careful" because he would get really close to hitting his head on the fireplace.  By the end of the evening he would hop on the ball and say "I be careful".  It was so funny!!
We all had a good laugh when my cousin Kennedy played a little prank on my Uncle!!
We had such a fun day with all of my family.  I am so bless to have such a wonderful family.  I am incredibly thankful this year for my THREE boys.  I can't wait to have little Nash in my arms in February!!
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Next Christmas,New Year and then Nash's birthday! I cannot wait to see that little guy!!!!
