Saturday, December 21, 2013

happy birthday jesus

Last week I was in charge of Pearson's Happy Birthday Jesus Party at preschool.  Planning a party for 2.5 yr olds is not all that easy.  You want to do really cute fun stuff but they just don't really care about much!!  I tried to make sure everything we did was stuff that Pearson would like to do or eat and it was a complete success.  I think all the kids had a great time!!
We started the party off with a little craft.  I ordered these nativity scenes from Oriental Trading.  They were definitely a hit.  Two year olds love stickers.  
Here is Pearson's creation of the Nativity scene.

After our craft we had our snack which is always the kids favorite.  It was a silent room while the kids were eating. 
I had another Mom bring cupcakes and juice boxes, then I provided sprinkles for the kids to decorate the cupcakes.  I also made these cute little "Baby Jesus in a Manger" snacks.  It's just a brown muffin tin for the manger, shoestring potatoes for the hay and a pig in a blanket.  I'm not sure the kids really got it but all the Moms and teachers thought they were really cute!!  And most importantly almost all the kids ate it.  Is it weird that we ate Baby Jesus at our Happy Birthday Jesus Party?

Cupcakes sure do make kids happy!!

Our last little activity of the afternoon was opening up a present.  I had intended on playing music and letting the kids pass the presents around until the music stopped, but we were running out of time and some kids were still eating.  I ended up just letting each kid open up a present and they all thought it was the best! I got Dollar Tree Christmas coloring books for each of them.  
I just love Pearson's little class.  He talks about his friends all the time.  His best little buddy, Logan,  or Yo-gan as he says, is the little boy on the right. 
 I tried to get a group shot of his little class, but trying to get a picture with eight active 2.5 year old is not that easy! This was the best I got!! They were singing a Christmas song they had learned for all the parents. 

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