Thursday, January 02, 2014

2013: a year to remember

Every year I take a look back at the past year.  Here are are highlights of each month from 2013.
It was truly and amazing year!!  We were so blessed. 

I started a nanny job one day a week for three little girls.  
We watched Pearson learn and grow and amaze us with his letter knowledge. 
I spent a lot of time at the gym the first half of the year.
We said good-bye to the paci (except for naptime).

Honestly, nothing really exciting happened in February. We just spent alot of time loving on this silly boy!!

We celebrated Easter. 

We bought a new (to us) car.
We officially hit the terrible two's a little early, but thankfully it didn't seem to last long.

 We went on a Disney Cruise as an early 5 year anniversary trip and a pre baby no. 2 trip.  We were away from Pearson for 9 days. 
 Pearson stayed the first part of our trip with Lolly & Pops.
He stayed the second half of our trip with Grammy & Grandaddy.  
 Pearson had his last day of Mother's Day Out at First Baptist. 
We took our first of many trips to the pool for the summer!!

We started summer off by going to VBS at our church.  I was a "mom" of 4 kids that week.
Pearson turned TWO.
 We had a super fun construction themed birthday party. 
 On Pearson's 2nd birthday, which also happened to be Father's Day, I found out I was pregnant with baby no. 2 and we told Daddy with a cute shirt Lolly had made. 
I had my 10 year high school reunion.

We celebrated July 4th and Pearson got to see fireworks for the first time!
We announced on Facebook that we were expecting.
Pearson shared our newest recipe (baby no. 2) on the blog!
Pearson took swim lessons from Mrs. Myra for a week. 
We got to "see" our sweet baby for the first time!!
I joined a neighborhood Bunco group with a few of my girlfriends from church. 
I started writing for Dallas Moms Blog.

We said goodbye to Izzie and she moved in with one my friends from church.
Matt got a long awaited and very much prayed for new job working much closer to home!!
Pearson had his first day of two day a week 2yr old preschool.
I celebrated my 29th birthday by eating free food all month long!!
We found out we were having another sweet boy!!!
We celebrated my favorite guy's 31st birthday.
 We gave our new little guy a name!!

Matt and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary.
We had a huge multi family garage sale to make room for our new little guy!!
 I cleared out the guest room and my Mom and I started designing and making Nash's bedding. 
We had our last family pictures taken as a family of three.
 We celebrated Halloween as a little Despicable Me family. 

Pearson had his first performance at school.
We celebrated Thanksgiving at Nonnie's.

We took a trip to San Antonio as a babymoon and our last little getaway before Nash.
We watched Baby Nash grow in my belly.
We watched Pearson grow.
We celebrated our last Christmas as a family of three.
I hope 2013 was a great year for you too!

Thanks so much for following along with our little family on my blog. I love and appreciate all of your sweet comments!! We are definitely looking forward to all that 2014 will bring!!

Happy New Year!!

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