Tuesday, January 07, 2014

I need your help!!!

If you have 5 seconds and can type "Katy Link" then you can help me out!!

I'm trying to win a FREE newborn photography session from one of the best newborn photographers I know for my little Nash!!  All you have to do is go to her facebook page and leave a comment with my name in it on her 2nd post on her page that says NEWBORN SESSION GIVEAWAY with the picture below in it. It will literally take you 5 seconds!!

The giveaway ends Wednesday 1/8 at 10pm so be sure to do it ASAP.  It's a close race so I need all the votes I can get!!
Thank you so so so much! I really appreciate your help!!

And while you are there, go ahead and like her page.  All of her photography is amazing!!  I love seeing all the pictures she posts on her page. 

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