Wednesday, January 15, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 2}

Week 2 is in the books!!!

{Day 8}
On Wednesday we had Jenica, Brynn and Jaxon over for a PJ playdate.  We made banana waffles and bacon for breakfast then played all morning.  Brynn and Pearson played so well together so it gave Jenica and I lots of time to chat and catch up on life!!
 {Day 9}
I got a much needed hair cut on Thursday.  I hadn't cut it since I was 10 weeks pregnant.  I'm in the process of growing it out right now but since I previously had an angled bob the front was getting way longer than the back.  She barely cut any off the back, but she had to cut off quite a bit off the front to even it out.  I'm sad because it doesn't look very long anymore, but she curled it for me so I did feel like I had a new look.  Too bad I can't seem to get it to hold a curl like she did.  
{Day 10}
I accidentally fell asleep (for just a few minutes) on the couch while Pearson was playing in the living room with me.  I woke up in a panic because it was quiet and he wasn't in the living room anymore.  I yelled out "Pearson, where are you?"  From his room  he yelled back, "I wight here.  I cutting." What????? I ran in to check on him and he had gotten out a pair of fake plastic scissors from his doctor's kit and laminated pages from a letter game.  Phew.  It could have been a whole lot worse.  I can't believe he made this giant mess in about 5 minutes.  Looks like I won't be getting Mom of the Year any time soon!!
{Day 11}
Logan's Bounce Town 3rd birthday party.  Such a fun evening……except for what it brought the next day.
{Day 12}
Pearson woke up with a fever on Sunday.  I had already gotten dressed (and even attempted to curl my hair) but ended up staying home with him so Matt could go to church.  
{Day 13}
I took Pearson to the doctor and he tested negative for the flu (PTL!) but positive for strep.  We spent the afternoon in bed watching TV and reading books.  
{Day 14}
After two and a half years, I still use my hospital cup for my water every single night.  I'm soooooo looking forward to adding another cup to my collection in less than 5 weeks.  Let's hope Baylor's cups are as good at Texas Health's!! 
Don't forget you can see these pictures daily on Instagram at @katylink

1 comment:

  1. Love your hair cut. Hope our little guy feels better soon. Grammy loves him and doesn't like him to be sick.
