Saturday, January 25, 2014

whose birthday is next?

We celebrated Mom's birthday last night and then we had two birthday parties to go to today.  After the second birthday party Pearson asked "Whose birthday is next?"

We've partied hard this weekend!!

Next up is Uncle Bryan's birthday and then it's our sweet Baby Nash's birthday!!!!!!

We started our morning off at Naomi's house for an Octonaut Party.
Christine had the cutest spread of ocean themed food.  These little marshmallow pops were my favorite!!
Miss Naomi was a fan of them too!
Pearson's favorite part of any birthday party is the cake.  He knows it comes after we sing Happy Birthday so he was constantly telling us "Sing Happy Birthday!" He was a happy camper when we finally did and he got to dig into his cupcake. 
Daddy and Pearson made a cute little ocean scene after he ate his cake. 
 When it was time for presents Pearson was all up in Naomi's business!  Birthday parties right after Christmas are a little hard to understand.  He wanted to help open presents so bad.  
And after she opened up the present we gave her he sort of re-claimed it.  I had to explain to him that it wasn't a present for him but a present from him. 
After Naomi's party we came home for some lunch, a little playtime and a very short-lived nap and then we were off to Miss Alice's birthday party.  
His little friend Aisley was also at Naomi's party so they were happy to see each other again!!
Alice's Mom is an amazing cake maker, so the activity for the party was to decorate little cakes.
Pearson had trouble squeezing out the icing at first so I helped him decorate his cake. 
He never really got anything out on his own, but he sure did enjoy decorating his cake.  
Here is our masterpiece!!
 But here was the real masterpiece……..I told you Alice's Mom was an amazing cake decorator!! And not only did the cake look amazing but it tasted amazing too.
We had such a fun day partying!!
Looking forward to the next birthday!!!

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