Thursday, February 20, 2014

1st trip to the doctor

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 11, 2014

We went to the doctor for Nash's first check up the day after we got home from the hospital.  Pearson had spent the night with my parents because he had to be at school at the same time we had to be at Nash's appointment.  You would think since this is our second kid that we would know how much time to allow to get out the door and to the doctor on time.  Nope…….we were late.  I forgot how long it takes to get out the door with a newborn.
 Nash weighed 6 lbs 10oz at birth and when we brought him home he weighed 6lbs 1oz.  At this appointment he weighed 6lbs 3oz, so he had gained 2oz in one day!!
 We just love our doctor.  Dr. Grace is so laid back and great to answer all of our questions.
Our littlest love check out absolutely perfect.  We got back next week for his 2 week appointment.  
 After his appointment we came home and all rested.  We had a rough night last night so we all needed a little nap.
I forgot how one outing with a little one is so exhausting and feels like it takes up your entire day!!


  1. You're doing great! And seriously love that whole office! Everyone I know loves their doc.

  2. I took a pic in that same spot with my second son, when he had his first trip to the doctor. We were late too!
