Monday, February 17, 2014

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 15, 2014

Today was a beautiful day.  Sunny & 70 degrees.  It couldn't have been a more perfect day for our family to get out of the house and get some fresh air.

We started out our morning by trying out our new double stroller.  Both boys were fans.  Nash fell fast asleep and didn't wake up for the entire walk and Pearson hopped right in and loved the ride!!
My friend Christine was at the park with her husband and kids.

Pearson was so excited to play with Naomi!!

When Pearson got tired of the park, he and Daddy took a little walk around the pond while Christine and I stayed and chatted.  I love having good friends in our neighborhood.

After our trip to the park, we headed home for some lunch and then the big boys headed back outside to do some playing and yard work.  
 Pearson started out raking the leaves while Matt trimmed the crate myrtles.  
 While I was inside nursing Nash, Pearson came running in, saying "I get my stool.  I get my scissors."
He said he needed to "cut his yittle tree".
 Too cute.  He wanted to be just like Daddy.  
 He also had to come inside to get his saw because Daddy was using a saw too.  
I just love that he wants to be just like Daddy.  He has such a good example to follow so I'm a-okay with him being just like Matt!!
 I am sooooooo looking forward to some more beautiful spring days to spend outside with all my boys. 


  1. What a beautiful day to get out of the house with your adorable boys! Love all the fun updates. Keep it up mama!

  2. Those pictures are PRECIOUS! I love that our boys want to be just like their daddies!
