Wednesday, February 05, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 5}

{Day 29}
Twice this week I left the house in my slippers on accident.  Oops…..can you say pregnancy brain.  The first time I did it, I had to turn around to get my boots because I had socks and skinny jeans on.  We were on our way to tour the hospital and go on a date.  The second time we were headed to small group and they actually kind of matched my outfit so I just went with it!!  
{Day 30}
Pearson's new favorite breakfast is oatmeal with cranberries mixed in.
{Day 31}
My sister in law and I love to take Pearson and Olivia to Sam's.  We go right around noon, hit all the samples up, grab what we need to buy then get pizza and a coke for only $2.70 for lunch!!
 {Day 32}
We had a photo shoot for Dallas Moms Blog today.  Live Laugh Photograph took new head shots and a group photo for us.  I can't wait to see how they turn out.  The venue we took them at was so neat.
 {Day 33}
This kid ate almost an entire thing of french fries, four chicken nuggets then about half of my salad.  He LOVES salad like no other little kid I have ever seen.
{Day 34}
Exactly two weeks from yesterday we will get to meet our sweet Nash…….unless he decided to come early.  I really wouldn't mind it if he did since we are technically full term!!
{Day 35}
Matt had a late work meeting so Pearson and I went to Taco Tuesday with my parents and a bunch of their friends.  We had a guys table and a girls table.  Pearson was thrilled to be one of the boys and sit with Pops.  He wanted nothing to do with all the ladies.  

1 comment:

  1. Eeeek! Not too much longer, now! So exciting! :)
