Wednesday, February 19, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 7}

{Day 43}
Nash was all snuggled up in his blanket (blankie taco as P calls it) and laying on his pillow (or Pick-O as P says) this afternoon. When Pearson saw him he went to his room and got his own blanket and the other Boppy and came running in saying "Pearson have a taco and a pick-o wike that baby!!"

{Day 44}
Nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby!!

{Day 45}
A little "me time" at the spa for Valentine's Day!!

{Day 46}
The weather was beautiful on Saturday so the big boys spent some time outside doing yard work and playing.  Pearson LOVES being outside. 

{Day 47}
We had to be at our newborn pictures at 9:30, so I did all the packing the night before including our breakfasts.  I knew if I didn't plan ahead, we wouldn't make it on time. 

{Day 48}
Enjoying a nice afternoon with a little caffeine, my sparkly slippers, a sleeping baby and and dancing toddler.  Life doesn't get much better than this!!
{Day 49}
Matt and I got to enjoy a nice little lunch date (with our littlest love) while Pearson was at school.  I'm soooooooo not ready for him to go back to work tomorrow.

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