Wednesday, February 26, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 8}

I really wanted to get Nash's Birth Story up on the blog today but I just didn't have time to finish it all.  It fills my entire day just feeding him, changing his diapers and trying to get rid of his diaper rash, and taking care of Pearson.  I have all the pictures in the post, I just need to write it!!  Hopefully I can find some spare time to write tomorrow while Pearson is at school.

Until then, enjoy some pictures from our last week!!

{Day 50}
Grammy came to visit us for a few days.  Pearson loved all the attention that she gave him.
{Day 51}
So much for tummy time……all the little guy wants to do is sleep.  
{Day 52}
After dinner we took a little family stroll around the pond to feed the ducks. 
{Day 53}
Pearson started playing some music on his computer, then he asked me to draw a "pee-no" on his magnadoodle.  
{Day 54}
"Yook Mommy, I scoot!"
{Day 55}
Nash has an awful diaper rash right now.  We have tried so many different things and nothing seems to be working.  I'm so thankful for my two sweet friends, Carissa & Christine, who came over to bring diapers and an assortment of creams to try.  
{Day 56}
I am so thankful that Pearson loves to read books.  It's the perfect activity for him to do while I am nursing Nash. 

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