Tuesday, March 11, 2014

10 on 10 {march 2014}

So I totally missed 10 on 10 yesterday.  Can I blame it on lack of sleep and having a newborn??

I'm making it up today by doing 11 on 11 post! 

I just love doing 10 on 10 each month.  It's a fun way to document our everyday life.  I know I will enjoy looking back at these posts someday to see what our lives looked like each month.  

Nash had a great night last night.  I nursed him at 9:30, then he slept until 2:30, I nursed him again, and then he slept until 6:30.  When I was finished nursing him I went ahead and got up for the day so I could take a shower before Pearson woke up.  
 Lately I'm doing good if I get a shower in.  I feel like I have conquered the world when I have enough time to fix my hair and put on make-up.  I'm sort of obsessed with this new Mary Kay cream eye shadow.  I got it in a swag bag from a Dallas Moms Blog event.  I've never ordered Mary Kay make-up, but I just might have to find someone to buy this stuff from because it's awesome!!
 Pearson ended up sleeping until 8:30.  This time change has actually made him sleep longer hours.  It's been awesome.  While I finished getting ready the boys hung out on the bed.  Pearson is such a good big brother.  He was talking to Nash, reading him books, hugging and kissing him and telling him "It's okay!" 
**Please ignore my iron that still needs to be done and the pile of CLEAN clothes that needs to be put up.  I can't keep up with all the laundry.  It's crazy how much more laundry I do since the addition of Nash. 
 This morning while I nursed Nash, I decided to let Pearson watch a TV show.  For the last year or so we have only allowed Pearson to watch one TV show on Saturday mornings.  It's not that I'm against him watching a daily TV show, it's just that he throws a huge fit after the show and the 30 minutes of freedom I get are not worth the tantrum I have to deal with when the show is over.  Every now and then I will test him out and see if he can watch one show without getting upset and he always does.  I tried one more time today and we might have had a break through.  He watched one Super Why! on Netflix and when it was over he happily started playing with his toys.  
 I just love the Duplo Legos.  He used to build all the cars straight from the instructions, but now he does his own thing.  I love watching him be creative with these legos.  
Pearson was long overdue for a haircut.  We just love Mr. James at the Plano Barber. He always does such a good job and he is so sweet with Pearson.  Pearson loves going there because he has lots of toys in the back room to play with and he always gives him suckers when we leave!!
 After Pearson's haircut we went to Lolly's house for lunch.  Carson was hanging out with Lolly because he was getting ready to go on a trip with Pops.  The big boys had so much fun playing together while Lolly got some Nash snuggles in!!
 I lucked out again and had both boys napping at the same time.  I got about an hour and a half to myself while they slept.  Nash takes the best naps on his tummy. I can't wait until he is old enough to roll over.  I can almost guarantee that he will be a tummy sleep.  
 The weather was just too gorgeous to not spend a little time outside.  I woke up Pearson a little early from his nap at 4pm and we headed to the park to meet Naomi & Olivia.  They played so well together.  It was so fun watching them interact.  
 Our meals from friends & family have pretty much come to an end but I haven't had time to go to the grocery store so we went to Pei Wei for lunch.  We had a $10 off a $20 purchase so we had a delicious dinner for pretty cheap!! We love Pei Wei!!
We were all pretty stinky from playing at the park all afternoon, so it was baths for everyone!!
We've got big bro down for the night and I'm about to go nurse lil bro.  I'm going to hit the sack early because I have no idea if I'll be up all night or get a decent nights sleep.  I'll be so glad when Nash is on a predictable schedule!! 

Happy 10th!! {errrr……11th}

1 comment:

  1. I so loved this post. It makes me feel like I have got to see those precious little boys, even when I have not! Pearson with Nash on the bed just melted my heart. I am a blessed Grammy with 7
