Friday, March 21, 2014

happy spring!

Yesterday we celebrated the first day of Spring (which also happens to be the day Matt and I got engaged and my half birthday) at the park with some friends.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day so when Jenica texted a few of our neighborhood friends to go to the park, we dropped what we were doing and headed to the park.
We have a park right behind our house but we drove to a different one in our neighborhood this time. Pearson enjoyed it and even got a little brave with his climbing. 
Pearson loved having so many familiar faces at the park!
My sweet baby boy just sat in his carrier and snoozed through the while trip. He sleeps almost all the time so trips out with both of the boys haven't really been a challenge. I know it won't be like this forever so I'm enjoying it while it lasts!!
I love these sweet girls! It's so nice to have friends in the neighborhood in the same stage of life. And it's super fun watching our kids become friends.
Hope you enjoyed your first day of spring. I wish we could be out at the park again today but we are all lcongested and we found out Pearson has pink eye. Fun times!!

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