Saturday, March 08, 2014

visitors {week 4}

We had a few more visitors this week.  Nash is one loved little guy!!

Denise came and brought us dinner on Saturday night.  We had such a good time chatting about her new little one on the way! We are so excited for them. 
On Monday the Zoutendams braved the icy weather and brought us dinner.  It was so fun see Audrey.  She almost 6 months….my favorite age.  I just loved hearing her "talk" and seeing her sweet smile.  I can't wait to experience that all over again with Nash!!
On Wednesday, my friend Christina came over with her two boys to play.  They also brought us a delicious dinner!!  Christina and I actually met in our childbirth class back in 2011. We've kept up with each other ever since!!
On Friday my friend Stephanie and her little boy Ethan came over with Chick-fil-A for breakfast!! So yummy!  Pearson and Ethan had the best time playing with each other.  Ethan kept calling Nash "Mash".  It was too cute!!  
I don't think I'l ever get tired of showing off my sweet baby boy!!

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