Tuesday, March 25, 2014

visitors {week 5 & 6}

We had a few more visitors over the last few weeks.  Nash is a popular little guy!!

Carson finally got to meet Nash.  He was sick when he was born so he wasn't able to meet him and then Ashley and I couldn't get our schedules to work out so he was really late getting to meet him.  He was super excited to meet him until he got to our house and then all he wanted to do was play with Pearson.  Olivia on the other hand can't get enough of Nash.  She is such a little Mama!
One day while we were at Lolly's house, Carson decided he wanted to hold Nash!
The Janes were so sweet and came to visit and brought us Spring Creek for dinner!!
Matt's sister, Nicole, came by and took Pearson off of my hand for a little while.  Pearson had a ball playing with his cousin Ethan.  They went to Taco Bueno for lunch, then round the train at Firewheel Mall and played at the park.  It was such a nice little break!!
Amy also came by to see us and brought some dinner.  It won't be long until I get to return the favor and bring her dinner when her little Miss is here.  
We are so thankful for all of our friends and family for blessing us with meals over the past 6 weeks.  We are truly so blessed!!

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