Thursday, April 17, 2014

DMB easter egg hunt

Dallas Moms Blog held their First Annual Egg Hunt at Huffhines Park this year.  I wasn't required to work the event, but since we were there I volunteered some of time.  Matt and Pearson played in the park while I worked.  I finished working just in time for the 2 year old egg hunt.  
This egg hunt was awesome because not only were there eggs filled with candy, but there were bags of Pirate's Booty and Squeezy Pouches!
My smart boy filled the majority of his basket with the big items and kind of skipped over the eggs!!!
While we were there we also got to decorate a cupcake.
We took it home in a little to go bag so we could eat it after lunch. 
We kept seeing kids with their face painted.  I really wanted Pearson to get it done because it was free, but I just didn't think he would want to.  I asked him and sure enough, he proved me wrong.  He said he wanted it done and he sat perfectly still while she painted his face.  I couldn't believe it!!!
It was absolutely adorable watching him look at himself in the mirror.  It was like he didn't even recognize himself.  
It was SO cold so we didn't take Nash out of his carseat for our family picture.
The Easter Bunny made an appearance at the Egg Hunt.  We don't really talk about the Easter Bunny at home so he wasn't all that impressed.  We were also all getting over the stomach bug, so I think he just didn't quite feel 100% while we were there. 
We played in the park for a little bit longer while we waited for the winners of all the raffles to be announced.  We didn't win anything but we sure had a good time.  
And of course Nash slept through the entire thing!!!
I'm already looking forward to next year's DMB Easter Egg Hunt!

1 comment:

  1. It was so fun seeing pictures of my sweet Pearson having so much fun. Wish I was going to see all my grand kids on Easter but know you parents will have some pictures that capture all the Easter events!
