Thursday, April 17, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 14}

{Day 92}
I had the stomach bug on Sunday and then passed it to Pearson on Tuesday.  Thankfully he isn't throwing up anymore but he just doesn't feel 100%.  A bland lunch for my little sickie.  

{Day 93}
I love the little creations Pearson makes with these legos. 

{Day 94}
Jello for dessert! He was so excited!!

{Day 95}
We had so much fun at the Dallas Moms Blog First Annual Easter Egg Hunt.  I can't believe that Pearson actually sat still to get his face painted! He looked so cute!

{Day 96}
This little boy has my heart. 

{Day 97}
We survived our first big grocery shopping trip with the three of us……thanks to a free cookie from the bakery and my K'Link wrap!

{Day 98}
I offered animals for snack, and he chose carrots.  Score. 


  1. You are brave to go grocery shopping with TWO little ones! The only time I take Audrey with me is if I need a small handful of items and will be out in 10 min or less...for some reason she gets fussy in grocery stores! So I do my shopping when Michel is able to stay home with her.

  2. Buttered toast is the best thing for little sickies {and big sickies too!} :)
