Friday, May 23, 2014

kicking off our long weekend

Last weekend we got our back patio all cleaned up.  We were really getting ready for Pearson's party in a few weeks, but since the Ranger won 9-2 yesterday (which means half price pizza) we decided to invite some friends over for some backyard fun.  On the menu was……Papa John's Pizza, Caprese Salad, Watermelon, & Rootbeer Floats.  If that doesn't scream Summertime, I don't know what does!!
 We busted out the kiddie pool for the first time and the boys loved it.  There were both shivering and smiling all at the same time.  I don't get how kids can play in freezing cold water.  That definitely doesn't sound fun to me! 
 Clearly it didn't bother this little guy one bit!!
 We also filled up the water table for the first time tonight too.  
It was a big hit for the boys as well. 
 I'm so glad we have great friends that live in the neighborhood.  It's so fun that we all have little stair step boys.  Luke will be 4 in July, Pearson will be 3 in June, and Landry will be 2 in July.
I just love how chill this little guy is.  He hung out with us for a little bit while we ate dinner, but he was ready for his little pre-bedtime cat nap so I laid him down inside while we all played outside.  
 It's funny how we have so many outdoor toys that don't get used when we are by ourselves, but when we have friends over it's like he's never seen them before.  The car and wagon haven't been played in for months, but today they were a total hit!! 
 Goodness gracious…...aren't these boys cute?  Next year we'll have to try to fit in a cute little 1 year old boy!!
We sure did enjoy kicking off our long weekend with a fun night out in the backyard.  

We are off to bed because we are headed to the zoo in the morning!!!


  1. We are pizza on our patio too! After Dylan and I spent the morning cleaning it up!!;) have fun at the zoo! Should be a great morning for it!

  2. Looks like you guys had great fun! Enjoy the zoo!

  3. So sweet! Love the picture in the wagon - they look well behaved...for now! :)
