Monday, May 05, 2014

texas forever

For the past three years I have taken Pearson to the giant bluebonnet his in our neighborhood to take the obligatory bluebonnet picture. If you aren't from Texas you might not get it, but we love our state flower here!!

The bluebonnets were the prettiest the week right before Easter.  I had plans to take pictures all week, but things just kept coming up.  There were tons of people taking pictures on Good Friday.  I was afraid that if I waited until after Easter they were would be totally trampled on and not pretty.  I decided to just go ahead and go on Good Friday even though tons of people were there.  It was mid-day and the sun was right on top of us. I didn't get the best lighting, but I still think I got a few cute shots!  

Sorry for the massive amounts of pictures.  I just couldn't narrow them down!! 
Getting Pearson to sit still is already difficult, but adding a new little one for him to hold and stay still is even more difficult.  
It was so bright and Nash was so sleepy that he couldn't really keep his eyes open.  Even though he sat perfectly still for me, I couldn't really get any good pictures of him.  
I went back another day the next week when I didn't have Pearson with me, but it was overcast and again, Nash was sleepy.  Little man just wasn't too interested in getting his pictures taken in the bluebonnets.  

But goodness, even on an overcast day, those cheeks get me every time!!
While we were taking our pictures the first time, my SIL, niece and nephew showed up to take some pictures too.  
She LOVES her baby Nash!
And somehow we lucked out and got a great shot of all four grandkids with Lolly.  
Texas Forever Y'all!!

1 comment:

  1. Those bluebonnet pictures are just the cutest ever! So enjoyed looking at them all.
