Wednesday, May 21, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday {week 20}

{Day 134}
Sometimes ya just gotta go to bed before 10pm.  They days are long but the years are short.  I wouldn't trade these days for anything. 
 {Day 135}
I made some spinach lasagna roll ups and turned them into homemade lean cuisines!!
{Day 136}
When Daddy gets home he turns into a human jungle gym.  I just love watching him love on the boys.  They are both over the moon about him.  
{Day 137}
We went to see our nephew play 7 on 7 football.  Pearson loved watching the boys play and Nash loved getting some snuggles from Aunt Jenn.
 {Day 138}
Love this man and the fact that we had a super productive weekend!
 {Day 139}
Looks like I need to buy Pearson a smaller swimsuit!!
 {Day 140}
I finally got a much needed pedicure with my Mom!

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