Thursday, May 01, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 17}

{Day 113}
We had a blast last week at Golden Grip.  It was so weird to see him sit still and wait his turn in line.  He's never that patient at home!

{Day 114}
We were invited to Potbelly to try their new flatbread sandwich.  They were so delicious!  We had such a fun family night together!

{Day 115}
Nash an had a blowout first thing in the morning which meant bath time.  Big brother was not about to miss out on an opportunity to have a bath so it was bath time for everyone!

{Day 116}
Pearson loves going to check on Nash in his crib.  Clearly Nash loves it too!  Sweet brotherly love. 

{Day 117}
I had so much to get done Sunday afternoon but this sweet boy fell asleep on my chest.  I wasn't about to get up!!

{Day 118}
This little guy just decided to potty train himself.  We haven't even  officially started and he is doing awesome!

{Day 119}
A beautiful spring afternoon called for sidewalk chalk with my big boy while my little boy napped.  

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