Wednesday, May 07, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 18}

{Day 120}
We had a fun afternoon playdate with Dallas Moms Blog at Music Together. 
 {Day 121}
First time to poo poo in the potty!!! So proud of this boy!!  I'm so glad I waited until to "potty train", because he has pretty much figured it out himself!!  
 {Day 122}
Pearson requested Chicken Salad, Wheat Thins and Apples for lunch.  I happily obliged because it's my favorite lunch too!!
 {Day 123}
I made zucchini muffins for a little late night snack and for breakfast for a few day.  Mmmmmm my favorite!!  Pearson kept telling me the green things in the muffins were salad!!
{Day 124}
Our church was a little different on Sunday. Instead of having ABF we had a Global Engage event where we got to learn about all of our missionary that we have serving around the world.  We even got to make a little care package for a kid in Honduras.  
 {Day 125}
It always take me 2-3 days to get our house all clean and then by the time I get it clean, something is already messy again!! Ahhh!!!
 {Day 126}
We totally FaceTimed with Grammy to show her how we have been going tee tee in the potty!!


  1. So enjoyed hearing Pearson telling me about his big boy underwear and that he is going to the now on FaceTime.

  2. That should have read "going to the potty now."

  3. I feel the same way about house takes 2-3 days to do it, and by the time I'm done, the house is dirty again and time to start over! least favorite chore. Ever.
