Thursday, July 10, 2014

10 on 10 {july 2014}

Just popping in real quick for a 10 on 10 post…….  

This morning while Nash napped and Pearson played I got all my coupons clipped and printed for my big Target trip.
Pearson is al about entertaining his little brother and Nash loves it! Seriously their little relationship developing is just the sweetest thing ever.
Thursdays are our Helmet appointment days.
It sure is a pain driving to Dallas once a week for our appointments, but the staff there are so incredibly nice and they make having two kids there so easy.  Each room has at least 3 or 4 toys for the kids to play with.  We love Cranial Technologies and have been so pleased with the results we are seeing so far. 
 After our helmet appointment we hit up Sam's.  We were out of ranch and oatmeal which are two staples in Pearson's diet!!  And we couldn't go to Sam's without our pizza lunch for $2.76!!  Nash even took a bottle while we were there. Bottle taking isn't really a strength for him, but he sucked it down!
A little iPad time this afternoon practicing writing his letters.  
 Nash is still a little too "tumpy" to sit in the high chair while we eat dinner so he still sits in the bumbo. He had Sophie in his arms, but he prefer those little hands over any toy.  His bottom teeth still haven't come in, but I have been able to see them for over a month.
Legos are Pearson's thing right now.  He loves to build things with Matt in the evening.  
I got about $400 worth of baby stuff for only $140 at Target today. (10 boxes of diapers, 1 box of wipes, 3 small things of wipes, 4 bottle of baby wash, 1 tube of Desitin, 9 canisters of puffs, 2 4pks of yogurt, 2 2pks of baby food, 2 pacis, & 52 squeezey pouches.) Disclaimer: I started out with a $50 giftcard so it would have been $190. Just the diapers along would have been $250 if I paid full price. I basically paid for 6 boxes of diapers and got everything else for FREE. Oh and I walked away with a $10 giftcard. I was on a couponing high!!!
Bath time with my boys.  Oh how I love them!!
Happy 10th

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