Sunday, July 13, 2014

father's day weekend 2014

The day before Father's Day Matt's parents came to visit us.  Matt grilled some delicious chicken and we made chicken club sandwiches, with baked beans and chips.  They boys loved having their grandparents here.  We hadn't seen them since Mother's Day weekend when we visited them.  
Since Pearson's birthday was on Monday they also brought his birthday present.  He was so excited to open it!!
They got him an awesome little truck that comes with a toolset to put it together and take it apart.  
This is totally up Pearson's alley because he loves trucks and loves tools.  
These boys love their Grammy. 
I can't believe we actually got a shot with both kids looking!!  
I just love this picture of Grammy & Grandaddy oooohing and ahhhhing over Nash!
On Sunday, we got to celebrate Matt.  He is such a great Daddy to the boys.  I am a lucky girl to get to have him as my partner in parenthood. 
All week I kept asking Pearson what he wanted to get Matt for Father's Day.  Over and over he kept telling me Oatmeal and a Sandwich.  These happen to be his two favorite food right now, so I thought maybe he kept saying that because I was asking him at meal times.  But then I would ask him at other times and he would quickly respond with "Oatmeal and a Sandwich".  We got him some grilling tools but then we stopped at Potbelly to get him a "sandwich" gift card and a bag of mini "oatmeal" cookies. That was the best spin I could put on Pearson's idea of Oatmeal and a Sandwich. 
After naps we took a family trip to the pool. 
My Dad had been out of town for over 10 days so he and my Mom stopped by the pool so we could wish him a Happy Father's Day and so he could see the boys. 
Pearson has decided he isn't really a fan of the pool so Matt stayed with him the majority of the time while I hung out with this little cutie in the shade.  
We had such a wonderful weekend with all the great men in our life. 
The boys are so blessed to have Daddy, Pops, & Grandaddy. 

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