Wednesday, July 23, 2014

swim lessons with mrs. gloria

Pearson took swim lessons June 16-20th. 
We went to a lady named Mrs. Gloria who came highly recommended by lots of families at our church.  
I dropped him off every day at 10am and picked him up each day at 11am.  It was so nice to have one hour each day to run quick errands with only one kid in tow.  
Parents were not allowed to go in the backyard and watch so when I got back from my errands, I just waited in the car until he was done.  
Each day he would be so excited to go to swim lessons, but by the time it actually started he would change his mind.  
Mrs. Gloria had to carry him back to the backyard every day.  She said he did great once he got into the backyard.  
After his swim lessons he would always tell me that he had fun and he couldn't wait to go back.  I think that might of had to do with fact that he got a sucker at the end of each lesson!!
On the last day we got to go in and watch the kiddos for the last 30 minutes.  It was fun to see all that he learned throughout the week.  He is definitely not swimming yet, but he did learn a lot and I think it helped him feel a little more comfortable in the pool.  
And of course he got a sucker at the end of his lesson.  Silly boy loves the idea of suckers but after a few licks he is over it.  
Here's a video of Pearson on his last day of swim lessons……..

{coming soon}

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